Thursday, May 16, 2019


Welcome to my first blog post!

I've never done anything like this before, so bear with me.

In this blog, I plan to share some of the knowledge I gained while earning my Associate's degree in Horticulture Technologies from UNH, as well as share the ups and downs of my gardening and home farming experiences. This is the first season I've been in my new house since moved from New England to Mississippi, so learning to adjust to the different soil types and climate will be interesting for sure. I'm most excited about the fact that I can grow pretty much year-round here. I do plan to focus mostly on vegetable gardening, but tending to our small group of farm animals is also a huge part of my life and I feel that they often go hand-in-hand.

I also have a three year old daughter who loves learning with me in the garden. I know that gardening with toddlers is a struggle for a lot of you, and maybe I can share some of the projects we do together in hopes that they inspire you to involve your kids more in the garden.

"Know before you Grow". I want you to learn from my mistakes and avoid making the same ones I do, because inevitably, I WILL make mistakes. We're still getting established in the new house (confession: my poor veggie seedlings are being neglected as we speak, sitting in the bed of my fiance's truck because I don't have a tiller to start the garden). I'm looking forward to bringing you with me as I navigate through my first southern growing season! It's sure to be an adventure.

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